News and Publications
AAS conference - January 2024

Team member Noor Aftab and Andrew Zhang attended the AAS 245th conference in National Harbor, MD in January 2025. We release the first version of Data Release 1, spanning the northern hemisphere, with both a talk and an iposter presentation at the meeting. Abstracts can be accessed for the talk and the iposter. The iposter can also be accessed digitally here.
DR0 Paper - November 2024
Our first paper, detailing the DR0 release, is now available in The Astronomical Journal! Check it out here or on arxiv.
DR0 V2 - July 2024
Version 2 of Data Release 0 is now available for download! V2 includes improved astrometric solutions, a larger source catalog, and improved flux calibrations. The updated source catalog (and associated QA plots) can be found here. You can check out the new instrumental, calibrated, and star-removed images here.
Brno's astropheres - June 2024

Pavel Karas, the chief programme coordinator for the Brno Observatory and Planetarium in Brno, Czechia, reached out to the team ask if it would be possible to use the MDW data as part of their 33 feet diameter astrosphere exhibit. They were able to include data from GAIA, MDW, RSA SkyExplorer, and photographs from Gerald Rhemann to create the spheres pictured. More pictures and information about the exhibit can be found here and here.
LinkNYC - April 2024
The LinkNYC kiosks on the streets of New York City featured research by the team.

with the LinkNYC kiosk.
AAS conference - January 2024
Team member Noor Aftab presented at the AAS conference held in New Orleans, Louisiana, in January 2024.

The team presented a poster at the AAS conference, which can be found here. Additionally, the team also formally released DR0 during the conference, which is the first data release from the MDW survey. An article describing the data release and the MDW project was also published during the conference, which can be visited here.